
Fact and Rumor.

The list of football accidents to West Point cadets during the past season was 1 fracture, 17 contusions and 36 sprains.

Wright and Ditson have offered a cup to be competed for by the colleges of the New England Intercollegiate Athletic Association.

E. B. Greene '90 who has been an assistant here for three years has been appointed assistant professor of history at the University of Illinois.

Prince Besolow, the young African prince who is in the freshman class at Williams College, has been called back to Africa to take charge of his kingdom.

It has been decided that the fall term of the next college year at Wellesley shall begin Thursday, Sept. 20, instead of the first Thursday in September, as has been the custom in the past; this postponment will add two weeks to next summer's vaction.


The Princeton gymnastic team will give a series of exhibitions at different places in the vicinity of the college. Turner and Poe will give a wrestling exhibition during the performance, which will consist of work on the horizontalbar, flying and double trapeze by McColl and Blackmore, balancing trapeze and balancing ladder by Paul. The entire team will give exhibitions of tumbling and pyramids.
