The Rev. George A. Gordon preached yesterday afternoon in Appleton Chapel, taking as his text "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection."
Throughout Paul's life we feel the strength of his personality, and yet of his own desire he was wholly, absolutely the product of the personality of Christ, who was in turn the medium for transferring the personality of God. It is the same way in our life. We are moulded into separate individualities by the greater personalities of the world who have influence over us, and it is thus that our soul is developed. The ideal forces of all time have been wielded by personality, and that of Christ has been of greater influence than any other in the knowledge of man. All greatness and goodness was centered in Him.
Paul's plea "That I may know Him," was satisfied partially when, going to Damascus, he was changed from a hater of mankind to one of its firmest advocates, when he turned from the scorn and contempt of a Pharisee to the love and duty of a Christian. Then again he grew to know Chirst from studying and appreciating his life until, as the orb of day pierces the early morning mists, so he saw the personality of Christ rise through the sorrows of his life. Finally Paul grew to know Christ by serving Him; he suffered and accomplished, lived and died, under His mastership.
We, too, should know Christ, accept our duty and receive our privilege from Him. From cold-blooded spectators of life we must become warm sympathizers; we must live for our time and
(Continued on third page).
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