THERE will be a smoker at the rooms of the Sparring Club on Thursday evening at 8. Six boxing bouts will be contested.
J. P. ROMAN, Pres.30 3t
CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- Regular meeting tonight at which the delegate to the Detroit Convention will report. Holden Chapel, 6.45. All members of the University are invited.
FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 5.30.
H. W. HOWE, Sec.WILL the following men be good enough to come to 26 Grays tonight at 7 o'clock: A P. Stone, C. T. Tatman, A. C. Comins, W. J. Pelo, R. D. Young, G. C. Lodge, T. Spalding, H. A. Bull, L. W. Mott, B. C. Mead, J. Hewins, Jr., E. W. Smith and C. N. Bliss, Jr.
S. E. JOHNSON.HARVARD NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY.- The 793d regular meeting will be held in the rooms of the society this evening, March 22, at 7.45. Dr. T. W. Harris will address the society; subject, "The Relations of the Geological Features of a Country to Trade and Commerce."
I. N. TILDEN, Sec.DEUTSCHER VEREIN.- Members may obtain tickets for the performance next Monday night, either at 18 Holyoke or at 41 Thayer.
FRITZ V. BRIESEN, Treas.30 3t
ST. MARK'S CLUB.- The annual dinner will be held at the Victoria Hotel, Boston, on Thursday March 22, at 7.30 p. m. Those intending to come will please notify,
J. CASWELL, 6 Claverly.30-3t
SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHS.- Appointments have been made for this week for all those who have not sat or who have not received postals.
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