
H. D. A. Regulations.

At the regular monthly meeting of the Directors of the Harvard Dining Association last Tuesday, the question of closing the gallery to visitors was brought up. It seemed that there were many abuses of the privilege allowed visitors to go to the gallery during meal hours, and a discussion of the subject made obvious the necessity of taking some prompt action. After careful consideration the following votes were passed:

That ladies be not admitted to the gallery during meal hours without escort. Also

That members of the association, who are found guilty of ungentlemanly conduct toward visitors in the gallery, be subject to suspension from the association.

These votes will be posted and will be strictly enforced.

The attention of the members of the association is also called to the fact not generally understood. It is that the executive committee have full power, between the regular meetings of the directors, in all matters pertaining to the Dining Hall that require immediate attention.


