

PROSPECT UNION.- Teacher of guitarplaying wanted.

HARVARD ENGINEERING SOCIETY.- There will be a meeting of the electric section of the society tonight at 7.45 in L. S. S. 1. There will be two papers one on Condensers by Mr. Spaulding and one on Tangent Galvanometers by Mr. Stevens, followed by an informal discussion. Members of all sections of the society are invited.

GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 6.30.

THERE will be a smoker at the rooms of the Sparring Club on Thursday evening at 8. Six boxing bouts will be contested.

J. P. ROMAN, Pres.30 3t


CLASS DAY OFFICERS.- The picture of Class Day officers will be taken Wednesday, March 21, at 1.30 p. m. If there is any one who can not possibly sit at that time, please send word to 17 Holworthy immediately.

ADALBERT HARDING.HARVARD ASSOCIATION OF DELTA KAPPA EPSILON.- The annual dinner of the New England Alumni Association of the fraternity will be held at the University Club, 270 Beacon St., Boston, on Wednesday evening, March 21, 1894. Reunion at 6 o'clock, dinner at 7. Tickets, $2.50. 29 3t

DEUTSCHER VEREIN.- Members may obtain tickets for the performance next Monday night, either at 18 Holyoke or at 41 Thayer.

FRITZ V. BRIESEN, Treas.30 3t

ST. PAUL'S SOCILETY.- Rev. W. E. C. Smith of St. Mary's Church, Dorchester, will address the St. Paul's Society in 17 Grays on Wednesday, March 21, at 7 o'clock. All members of the University are invited.

J. K. WHITTEMORE, Sec.30 2t

THE Shakeapeare Club will meet Wednesday evening, March 21st, at 7.45 p. m., in No. 35 Hastings Hall. Mr. Ely will preside. Mr. Hayes will read from "As You Like It," and "Much Ado About Nothing."


ST. MARK'S CLUB.- The annual dinner will be held at the Victoria Hotel, Boston, on Thursday March 22, at 7.30 p. m. Those intending to come will please notify,

J. CASWELL, 6 Claverly.30-3t

SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHS.- Appointments have been made for this week for all those who have not sat or who have not received postals.

