

HARVARD RELIGIOUS UNION.- Important meeting this evening at 6.45 in Holden Chapel. Election of officers for second half-year. A full attendance of members is desired.

SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHS.- The photographic lists from Pach's from which each man can order what pictures he likes, will be sent out Monday, March 5. It is important that these lists should be filled out and returned as soon as possible.

PHOTOGRAPHIC COMMITTEE.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 6.30 p. m. sharp. All new men must bring copies of the New Harvard Song Book. Hereafter all the rehearsals will be held in Lawrence 1, unless notice is given to the contrary.

D. C. GREENE, JR.SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHS.- Appointments have been made this week for all men from T-Y inclusive. If there is any one who cannot sit he must see one of the committee personally, or send word to 17 Holworthy before Friday.



HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- There will be a trial of canidates for the Harvard Banjo Club on Friday, March 2, at 7 o'clock in 54 Matthews. Every member of the University who plays the banjo, banjorine, or guitar, should be present at the trial.

W. D. BROOKINGS, Leader.
