

BECK HALL LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION.- There are five vacancies in the membership. Any member of the University wishing to join should send in his name at once to

J. H. MORGAN, 22 Beck Hall.'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- The following men come to a rehearsal tonight at 12 Thayer: Stetson, Barry, Lombard, Flandrau, Lewis, Roman, Spalding, Hood. Concert Friday night.

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- Regular meeting will be held tonight in Holden Chapel at 6.45. All members of the University are invited.

HARVARD FENCING CLUB.- Prof. Rondelle will give lesson Saturday, 11-1, instead of Thursday night. 26 3t

WELD BOAT CLUB.- The boat house at the foot of Boylston street is now open. Any member of the University can secure a ticket entitling him to all the privileges of the club by paying $5.00 to the secretary or at Thurston's. Locker tickets are $1.00 extra. Secretary's office hours, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from 10 to 12, at 61 Hastings.


All members of the University are invited to compete for membership to the New Harvard Union next Friday at 7.30. Question: "Resolved, that the bill for an Income Tax as proposed in Congress should he passed." 24 3t
