WELD BOAT CLUB.- The boat house at the foot of Boylston street is now open. Any member of the University can secure a ticket entitling him to all the privileges of the club by paying $5.00 to the secretary or at Thurston's. Locker tickets are $1.00 extra. Secretary's office hours, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from 10 to 12, at 61 Hastings.
JUNIOR DINNER.- W. K. Brice, C. M. Flandrau, R. Talbot, and J. K. Whittemore please be at 78 Mt. Auburn street at 7.15 sharp, tonight.
C. H. MILLS.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Important rehearsal at 4 o'clock sharp in Hilton 2. All men must come and get music.
J. M. LITTLE, JR., Sec.PIERIAN.- There will be trials for candidates Monday, March 19, at 6.30, and Tuesday, at 7, in Roberts Hall, Brattle street. Every member of the University who plays an orchestral instrument is urged to come and bring solo.
H. L. PRESCOTT.H. A. A.- All members of the University who have not yet joined the Association are urged to do so at once at Thurston's, or with secretary at 44 Weld; hours, 11-12, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
All members of the University are invited to compete for membership to the New Harvard Union next Friday at 7.30. Question: "Resolved, that the bill for an Income Tax as proposed in Congress should he passed." 24 3t
SENIOR CLASS DAY OFFICERS.- The picture of the Class Day officers will be taken at Pach Bros.', Wednesday, March 14, at 1.30 p. m. Please wear cap and gown.
ADALBERT HARDING.HARVARD ASSOCIATION OF DELTA KAPPA EPSILON.- There will be a musical and smoker on Tuesday evening, March 13, at No. 38 Chester Square, Boston. All members are invited to be present. 24 2t
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