
Special Notice.

NEW Spring Styles in Young Men's hats, including the latest shapes from the best London Hatters. L. P. Hollander and Co., 202 Boylston St., and Park Sq., Boston.

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons. Residence, cor. Main and Inman Sts. 1y

TYPEWRITING and stenography. Themes, theses, etc. 7 Brewer's Block, 3tf

ANY senior who has not received his photograph list may obtain one by calling at Pach's Studio, or sending his address on a postal card.

H. WM. TUPPER, Manager.22 tf


LILLIAN RUSSELL, the queen of comic opera prima donnas, supported by an excellent company direct from the Casino, New York City, is presenting at Hollis Street Theatre the opera comique called "The Princess Nicotine." 22 6t

SHORTHAND.- (Pitman's). This beautiful art taught by a certificated teacher. Proficiency in 12 lessons. Rapid tuition. Address, Mr. Varcoe, 209 Washington street, Boston. 24 2t

LOST.- A gold clasp pin with B. M. S. on a white background. Finder return to 37 Thayer and receive reward. 24 2t

LOST.- "Laws and Ordinances of New Netherlands," 1638-1674, edited by Thos. O'Callaghan. Finder will kindly return to the University Library. Liberal reward. 24 2t
