

HARVARD ASSOCIATION OF DELTA KAPPA EPSILON.- There will be a musical and smoker on Tuesday evening, March 13, at No. 38 Chester Square, Boston. All members are invited to be present. 24 2t

SENIOR CLASS DAY OFFICERS.- The picture of the Class Day officers will be taken at Pach Bros.', Wednesday, March 14, at 1.30 p. m. Please wear cap and gown.

ADALBERT HARDING.HARVARD LAWN TENNIS CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the Executive Committee Monday, March 12, at 8.30 p. m., in 30 Hilton.

J. B. READ, Sec.THERE will be a meeting in Sever 8, at 4.30, Tuesday, March 13, to consider the formation of a Pedagoical Club. All members of the University who are taking courses in Education, and any others who are interested in the plan, are invited to attend the meeting. A bluebook has been left at the Cooperative for signatures.

SIGNET.- I have in my possession several medallions (both bronze and plaster) of the Signet, which I shall be glad to sell. The prices are,- bronze, $2.50; plaster, 60 cents. Any past or present member of the Signet may buy one. Will the '94 men who ordered medallions kindly come at once and get them.


H. C. LAKIN, 30 Stoughton, Treas. '94 Signet.
