
Republican College League.

The American Republican College League will hold its third annual convention at Syracuse, New York, on April 6th. The object of the league is to bring together college men into communion with the Republican party with a view to stimulating their appetite for improved citzenship, as outlined by the platforms of that party. There is no doubt that the league has contributed considerable strength to the Republican party since the plan was introduced. An effort will probably be made this year to further perfect the organization by the formation of state leagues, and thus to better systematize the work. Each college is entitled to send five delegates to the convention, and it is desired to have Harvard well represented. The plan for the convention embraces the possibility of addresses by Governor McKinley, Chauncey M. Depew, ex-Governor J. B. Foraker, and others. There is to be a banquet after the convention, and a strong city committee, composed of twenty-five of the most prominent citizens of Syracuse, has been organized, and their hearty cooperation is promised.
