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We wish to call attention to the trip which the Cricket Club intends to make to Philadelphia the last of May to play the Pennsylvania and Haverford teams. We believe that the trip may be made a very good thing for Harvard. Not long since the Harvard Club of Philadelphia, owing to lack of interest, gave up its rooms, and will content itself, in future, with an annual dinner. Such a deficit of interest in one of the most populous cities from which come many college men is unfortunate and ought to be remedied if possible.

Now there is no doubt that every Harvard organization which appears before the public of other cities and acquits itself with ability and gentlemanliness, awakens at least a beginning of friendly regard toward the whole University. In the vicinity of Philadelphia, cricket is very popular. In fact, nowhere in the United States is interest in the game so lively. The cricket matches which Harvard plays with the Pennsylvania and Haverford teams are made great events there, draw the of attention of very many people, and will always serve, if properly conducted, to bring Harvard into happy prominence before the minds of Philadelphians.

The difficult question of the expenses of the trip has to be met. Interest in cricket is so small here that games bring expenses and not receipts. Money for the trip therefore, if it is to be raised at all, must come directly from the students. Since the experiment is at present being made of uniting all athletic expenses under one management, we should depreciate, as out of sympathy with the spirit of this experiment, any ordinary door-to-door canvassing. The club ought to be as nearly as possible self-supporting, and to rely for funds rather on additions to its membership than on general subscriptions. There are many students to whom the situation in regard to the Cricket Club will appeal and who are well able to give their support by becoming members. We sincerely hope that the cricket team shall thus be satisfactorily backed in a financial way.
