
Fact and Rumor.

F. M. Forbes has been elected captain of the '96 crew.

N. P. Hallowell has been appointed manager of the freshman nine.

Henry W. Farnam, of New Haven, won the billiard championship of Yale on Thursday night.

The New York World will publish an article next Sunday on the captains of Harvard's athletic teams.

The professors of the University of Chicago have formed a society to be known as the Quadrangle.


Murphy, the Yale trainer, has signed a contract to train the teams of N. Y. A. C. during the summer months.

At the Loyola Athletic Club games, Tuesday, E. H. Clark made a new record in the potato race by winning the event in 32 4-5 seconds.

Walter Camp has sent letters to former Yale football players asking them to send statistics of the injuries which they have received on the football field.

The students at the University of Wisconsin are endeavoring to organize a crew this spring. Rowing machines have been ordered and men will begin training at once.

The faculty at Cornell have decided to abolish final examinations, and the knowledge of the student will be decided by his daily recitations and the short examinations during the term.

The Cornell Navy's new launch, which it is expected will be finished by May 1, is to be one of the best of its kind in the country. The launch is 60 feet long, 9 feet beam and is to be fitted with compound engines which will attain a maximum speed of 16 miles an hour. The total cost of the launch will be about $6,000.
