
Student Volunteer Convention.

Mr. Sherwood Eddy spoke last evening in Holden Chape, on the necessity of student movement in foreign missionary work.

Seven years ago a student organization was formed with this object in view, and at the last meeting ninety-nine men signed as willing to go abroad. This foreign mission has claims upon us, only as we are in sympathy with the work which God left for his Disciples to accomplish. This work should have claims upon our sympathy for we can not imagine that the twelve Disciples converted all the world, and so long as we have hopes of the eventual accomplishment of this conversion, we must be willing of lend a hand in spreading the knowledge of the Kingdom of God.

In Africa, Asia and India there is a large field for this work. The love of gain urges the Arab to penetrate to the heart of Africa, and yet the love of God has not moved a man to go to these thousands who live in ignorance and tell them that they are free.

We should go where there is the greatest need and where there are the greatest possibilities. While we may be able to do good work at home, we can do still better work in foreign lands, where the number to be converted is enormous and the number of Christian workers insignificant.
