The library fund of the Emerson College of Oratory was considerably increased by an excellent production of "Richelieu," given Wednesday afternoon in Union Hall, by professors and students of the college.
A picture of Yale's first eleven will be taken, composed of the following men: Greenway '95 S., Beard '95, Hickok '95 S., Stillman '95 S., McCrea '95 S., Murphy '97, Hinkey '95, Adee '95, Thorne '96, Armstrong '95 S, Butterworth '95, E. H. Hart '94 S.
Professor W. E. Ritter of the State University, Berkeley, Cal., has been elected to the Harvard Club scholarship by the Harvard Club of SanFrancisco. This will enable him to go to Europe and spend a year in study at Cambridge, at Liverpool and at Naples, where special facilities are given for examining comparative biology. Professor Ritter has already spent considerable time at Harvard.
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