
The Student Volunteer Convention.

A joint meeting of the St. Paul's Society and the Christian Association will be held in Holden Chapel this evening at 6.45. Mr. Sherwood Eddy, Yale '92, will speak on Foreign Missions with special reference to the convention to be held in Detroit, February 28 to March 4.

The Student Volunteer Movement, which Mr. Eddy represents, has given foreign missions a new place in the college world. It began in 1886, and now more than 3,000 students from nearly 500 colleges and theological schools in the United States and Canada are enrolled as volunteers. More than 600 of these, including three Harvard men, are already in the foreign field. The first international convention of the movement was held at Cleveland in 1891. The Christian Association and the St. Paul's Society each sent a delegate to that convention. This, the second convention, is intended not only for those who expect to be foreign missionaries, but for all those who are interested in the relation of American students to the great problems of foreign missions.
