We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.
To the Editors of the Crimson:
In view of the approaching winter meetings, I wish to protest against the continuance of a long standing abuse of college athletics. The so-called sparring matches held in years past at Cambridge have as a rule been mere exhibitions of unscientific, brutal "slugging," degrading to the participants and spectators and disgraceful to the association under whose auspices they have been held. Contents into which athletes enter "for blood" and not infrequently come out wearing the laurels of a "knock out," are unworthy of recognition as legitimate sports, and deserve the condemnation of friends of college athletics.
Public opinion endorses Harvard's efforts to abolish brutalism of football. Let the reformers not rest until sparring bouts have been relegated to their proper place,-within the ropes of the professional prize ring.
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