At the meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences yesterday, the following regulations were adopted in regard to honors in the modern languages and literatures:
I. In Germanic languages and literatures the candidate must have a knowledge of Greek at least equal to that required for passing the examination in elementary Greek at admission, must show a reading knowledge of Latin, German, and French, and must present as his major subject either the English or the German language and literature, and as minor subjects that one of these two not chosen as his major subject and either Germanic Philology or Comparative Literature. In the minor subjects the requirements will include: for English, an outline knowledge of the history of the literature or of the history of the language, and a more detailed knowledge of some period of the literature; for German, a good knowledge of the classic period of modern German literature and ability to write in German a short theme on some subject connected with the works of German literature which the candidate has studied; for Germanic Philology, Gothic or Old High Geman or Icelandic; for Comparative Literature, an outline knowledge of mediaeval European Literature. In the major subject the candidate must be able to write the language concerned with considerable readiness and correctness, and must have a somewhat detailed knowledge of the literature and of the history of the language in such proportions as may be approved by the Division.
The candidate must present a thesis on a subject approved by the Division, and must pass an examination, orally and in writing, on the general field covered by his studies.
No student will be given honors who fails to attain distinction in work amounting to five courses selected from the following list: German 2, 3, 4, G, 6 [the candidate shall not present more than the amount of two courses from among German 2, 3, 4, G, 6], 5, 8, 9, 10 11; English 3, 1, 2, 23, 11, 7, 8, 9, 13, 19, 16, 25, 4, 21, 26, 17, 14, 15, 24, 20, 20a; all courses in Germanic Philology; Comparative Literature 2, 21. The candidate's choice of courses must be presented for the approval of the Division of Modern Languages not later than October 23 in his finally year of preparation.
In special cases the substitution of equivalents for a portion of the requirements indicated above may be allowed.
II. In Romance languages and literatures the candidate must have a knowledge of Greek at least equal to that required for passing the examination in elementary Greek at admission, must show a reading knowledge of Latin, French, and German, and must present as his major subject the French or the Italian or the Spanish language and literature, and as two minor subjects the other two of these; but either Romance Philology or Comparative Literature, or both, may be substituted as minor subjects. If French, Italian, or Spanish is a minor subject, the candidate must be able to use easily books written in the language concerned, must show a mastery of grammatical principles by writing in it, and must also have an outline knowledge of the history of the literature; if Romance Philology is chosen as a minor subject, he must have a knowledge of old French or Provencal; if Comparative Literature, he must have an outline knowledge of mediaeval European literature. In the major subject the candidate must be able to write the language concerned with considerable readiness and correctness, and must have a somewhat detailed knowledge of the literature and an outline knowledge of the history of the language itself.
The candidate must present a thesis on a subject approved by the Division, and must pass an examination, orally and in writing, on the general field covered by his studies.
No student will be given honors who fails to attain distinction in work amounting to five courses selected from the following list: French 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20; Italian 2, 3, 4; Spanish 2, 3; all courses in Romance Philology and in Comparative Literature. The candidate's choice of courses must be presented for the approval of the Division of Modern Languages not later than October 23 in his flannel year of preparation.
In special cases the substitution of equivalents for a portion of the requirements indicated above may be allowed.
When honors are awarded in either Germanic Languages and Literatures, or Romance Languages and Literatures, the major subject shall be named in the diploma.
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