G. A. Huff has been elected captain of the Dartmouth nine.
Eight of Lehigh's last year's baseball team are now in college.
Two hundred and nineteen men will graduate from Cornell this year.
The University of Missouri has received $1,525,000 from the state legislature since 1891.
The present senior class at Williams will be the largest ever graduated from the college.
E. L. Thorndike has been elected manager of the Wesleyan football team for next year.
Williams has not yet decided to enter the intercollegiate debate with Amherst and Dartmouth.
Work in the Cornell Summer School will hereafter count as regular work leading to a degree.
Mr. Reginald De Koven has dedicated to the Princeton Madolin Club a piece of music entitled "Valse Espagnole."
Clarkson will begin to coach the candidates for the Yale nine on February 21, and will remain in charge four weeks.
About $800 have been raised for a memorial of Clarence Bayne, pitcher on last year's Univ of Penn. baseball team.
The one hundredth anniversary of Bowdoin will be celebrated next June. The oration will be delivered by Chief Justice Fuller.
In the Academic and Scientific departments of Yale, 321 men prepared at Andover, 110 at St. Paul's, 54 at Exeter, and 40 at Lawrenceville.
Several changes have been made in the first Yale freshman crew. The men now rowing are: Simpson, Bailey, Chadwick, Campbell, Sutphin, Miller, Marsh, and Wheelwright.
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Examinations Monday.