
Fact and Rumor.

The average age of students at Columbia is 21.5 years.

A Cushing Academy Club has been organized at Brown.

The average age of students in the University is 22.7 years.

A Government Medical School has been established at Washington.

An Ohio club has been formed at Williams with twenty-three members.


DePauw will discontinue her law school at the end of the present term.

There are 683 men in the Academic department of the University of Pennsylvania.

The senior class in the law school of the U. of M. will publish an annual called "To Wit."

The University of Pennsylvania is having a new launch built to be used in coaching the crew.

A club of Spanish-American students has been formed at Lehigh with a membership of twenty-three.

Mr. James Mott Hallowell '88, has been appointed second Assistant Attorney General of Massachusetts.

Only 43 out of 150 candidates for admission to West Point were successful at the last entrance examination.

A university for women is soon to be established in Germany. It will be the firs of its kind in that country.

No proctors are allowed in the examination rooms at Princeton, each student being strictly on his honor.

The current number of Harper's Weekly contains an article by Walter Camp, entitled "Football of 1893; Its Lessons and Its Results."
