CRIMSON DINNER.- Annual CRIMSON dinner at Parker's on Saturday, March 3. All ex-members of the board now in the University invited please communicate with the president before Tuesday night.
'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- There will be a trial of candidates for the 'Varsity Glee Club tonigt and tomorrow night in Lawrence 1, at 7 o'clock. Every man in the University who can sing is urged to try for the club. Each candidate will be required to bring a solo.
CRIMSON.- Editor's night at 10 o'clock.
PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the Philosophical Club tonight at 7.30, in Grays 47.
EMIL GOLDMARK, Sec.ALL members of the University who desire to join the Harvard Civil Service Reform Club, will find the secretary and the treasurer in University 4, Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week, from 11 to 12.
Annual dues one dollar.
CAMBRIDGE SOCIAL UNION.- Teacher in book-keeping wanted for an interesting class. Address, R. E. Ely, Prospect House, Cambridgeport.
HARVARD SHOOTING TEAM.- Picture at Pach's, Tuesday at 3 sharp. Bring guns.
10 3t
HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- There will be a trial of candidates for the Harvard Banjo Club on Friday, March 1, at 7 o'clock in 54 Matthews. Every member of the University who plays the banjo, banjorine, or guitar, should be present at the trial.
W. D. BROOKINGS, Leader.
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Symphony Concert.