

SIGNET.- I have in my possession several medallions (both bronze and plaster) of the Signet, which I shall be glad to sell. The prices are,- bronze, $2.50; plaster, 60 cents. Any past or present member of the Signet may buy one. Will the '94 men who ordered medallions kindly come at once and get them.

H. C. LAKIN, 30 Stoughton, Treas, '94 Signet.CANDIDATES FOR CRIMSON.- '96 and '97 men who would like to try for places on the Board may meet the managing editor in the office, Tuesday, February 20, at 7 p. m. Men who are trying should also be present. 4 4t

CLASS DAY OFFICERS.- Please call as soon as possible for caps and gowns. Price $7.00, payable on delivery.

CLASS DAY COM.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7.

H. W. HOWE, Sec.

