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The grade "honor" has been abolished in the marking system of the Institute of Technology and "credit" is the highest mark to be given in the future.

The students of the Chicago University have formed a "Students' Express Company," incorporated under the state law with a capital stock of $10,000.

The current number of the Nation contains a letter written from Athens by Professor John Williams White, describing recent discoveries among the ruins of ancient Athens.

The athletics of Michigan University are under the supervision of a committee consisting of five faculty members and four undergraduate members. This board has full power in all matters pertaining to athletics at that university.

The University of Pennsylvania nine will play twenty-four games in all this season; three each will be played with Harvard, Yale and Princeton.


"Ordinances of Secession and Other Documents, 1860-1861," edited by D. F. Houston, G., has appeared in teh American History Leaflet series.

The department of Experimental Engineering at Cornell has just received an automatic calculating machine which is considered the most perfect device of its kind in existence. By means of it any form of arithmetical work can be done up to figures of thirteen digits.
