
Athletic Team Notes.

The next event of any great interest in track athletics will be the New England indoor championships, to be held in the First Regiment Armory on Saturday, March 10, at 8 p. m., under the auspices of the M. I. T. Athletic Club. As all the events in the meeting are to be scratch, the H. A. A. will not enter men who are known to have no chance of winning a place. A team of from 30 to 40 men will probably be picked and will compete strictly as a Harvard team. The H. A. A. was invited to have a class team race on the night of the championships, but the authorities felt that as all the good men would be wanted in the open events and as no class would wish to be represented by inferior men, it would be unwise to accept.

The Worcester Athletic Club also will have a meeting in March, at which there is to be an open team race for the championship of New England. It is not probable that Harvard will enter a team, as the rules of competition which will govern the contest, and the size of the track, are not altogether satisfactory.

A few men have begun to train for the shot, but there is still great need of candidates for this event.
