Bishop Vincent preached at Appleton Chapel last night from the text, "He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel," taken from the one hundred and third psalm. He said God has revealed himself to men by acts and not by words. People seem usually to think that the way God has revealed himself to us is by causing the Bible to be written, and thus many think that the Bible came directly from God, is divine, and is therefore infallible. Truly the Bible is God's word and was certainly inspired by him. But God has already appeared to His people in action. An example of this is seen in His freeing the Israelites from Pharaoh. Again and again he helped them by wonderful miracles, showing thus not by word but by deed, that they were his chosen people, and that it was His will that they should be freed. The best of all God's revelations to man was the life of Christ on earth. God wished to reval His perfect holiness to men and he did it in the life of Christ. He wished to reveal to men that there was another life after death and this he showed by Christ's resurrection. So always we see God revealing himself to us in action. And even today it is not to the Bible alone that we must look, for far better than this is the revelation in the life of a pure and good man who lives out all the teachings of the Bible and shows us, as far as it is possible for a man to do so, the spirit of Christ.
The choir sang "Come, Holy Ghost," by John Dowland; "Hearken Unto Me," by Sullivan; and "Turn Thy Face From My Sins," by Sullivan.
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