
The Advocate.

The Advocate which appeared yesterday was on the whole a creditable number. The editorials,- particularly the one which has to do with Memorial Hall and the new Art Museum,- are lively and interesting.

Perhaps the best story is Louis How's "A Tale of the San Luis Valley," a cleverly drawn sketch of Mexican life. "The Warning," by John Allyne Gade, though based on a rather trite idea, is redeemed by original and effective treatment.

The other articles in the number are "A Sermon, Touching on the Disadvantages of being Unmethodical," by Arthur S. Pier; "Prince Genio and the Apple Tree," by Edward G. Knoblauch; "The Beachin' o' the Mamie," a sailor's yarn, by Daniel Gregory Mason, and "Moods," a poem, by John Mack, Jr.

Several of the "College Kodaks" are unusually clever and entertaining. The Advocate ends with its new department, "The Glimpse," decidedly the least interesting feature of the number.
