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The lecture to be given before the Religious Union tonight deserves notice. Theosophy is a subject which has come to claim more and more attention in recent years, and, as the expression of a new method in the search for truth, to win the consideration of many of the most prominent living scientists. It is a subject which has so many suggestions to offer, that it can hardly afford to be neglected.

We think the spirit which the Religious Union has shown in securing a lecturer on this subject is highly commendable. The Union aims, above all things, to be marked by a broad tolerance, and to draw to it men of all religious creeds. Nothing could illustrate their spirit better than this present action.

In Mr. Judge, the Religious Union has secured an able exponent of the idea of theosophy. Instrumental in the organization of the Theosophical Society, and active in its work since its organization, he is master of his subject. At the Parliament of Religions in Chicago this fall, he attracted very large audiences by his addresses. If his reputation is but half sustained tonight, he will be well worth hearing.
