
Fact and Rumor.

Powers, catcher of Exeter's baseball team last year, is attending Holy Cross College.

C. M. Flandrau '95, has been elected an editor of the Monthly.

G. P. Dyer has been elected temporary captain of the Cornell football team.

A series of contests in the mile walk is being held at Yale for the championship of the university.

Lindsay Dennison '95, has won the "Lit" medal, which is the highest literary honor given at Yale.


Vassar has challenged Bryn Mawr to an intercollegiate debate to take place in the spring at the latter college.

Professor Kittredge has been lecturing on English literature at Vassar during the mid-year examination period.

Mr. Andrew McFarland Davis has an article on "Anne Radcliffe" in the current number of the New England Magazine.

Plans are being made for a field meeting Chicago at which all the Western colleges may contest for the championship of the West.

A new scholarship, to be called the Josiah M. Fiske Scholarship, has been founded at the Annex, by the widow of Mr. Fiske.

John Mack, Jr., '95, has been elected president of the Lampoon; W. D. Flagg '95, secretary; and P. H. Lombard '95, business editor.

Dr. Reuben A. Guild, formerly librarian of Brown University, is preparing a new history of the university for publication. Thirty years ago Dr. Guild published his "Manning and Brown University," which gave a full and accurate account of Brown's first century of existence.
