
President Eliot on Athletics.

The annual report of President Eliot contains some suggestions on the matter of athletics. This report has not yet been given to the public, but yesterday morning Dean Briggs read to some of the sections in English A selections from the part touching athletics. The president expresses himself in favor of college athletics, but believes that they are in need of considerable reform. He suggests that no contests between athletic teams from colleges should be held away from college grounds. He thinks that members of all the classes should not be equally eligible to take part in public contests, but that freshmen should be prohibited from participating. Another good restriction, he thinks, would be found in diminishing the frequency of great intercollegiate contests. With this end in view, it would be well to have important contests in the same branch of sport come only every other year. He is also in favor of having rules that will ensure greater safety to players by preventing mass plays and the like. A fuller account of President Eliot's views will be published in the CRIMSON as soon as the report is given out publicly.
