
Official Notice.

The following new Voluntary Courses will be given during the second half-year, open to all students of the University:

Tuesday at 2.30, Pantomimic Training.

Thursday at 2.30, Phonology and Articulation. Applications will also be received for new sections in Shakespeare and Vocal Training and Extemporaneous Discussion, at Holden Chapel, Tuesday, Feb. 13th, 9-12.30, 1.30-2.30.

S. S. CURRY.7-3t

BISHOP VINCENT announces that the subject of his lecture on February 20 will be "The Pastor as a Friend," and not "The Pastor as an Administrator and Friend," as announced in the Calendar.


ENGLISH A.- IMPORTANT NOTICE.- For the present the section of the class which has met Tuesday at nine o'clock for the lectures on literature will meet Thursday at twelve. The lectures for this section will be given Thursday at twelve o'clock and Saturday at nine o'clock. The other hours will remain as before.

A. S. HILL.ENGLISH C.- Consultation hours will be resumed on Tuesday, Feb. 13.

G. P. BAKER.DR. RAND has examined the work in Philosophy 4 and Philosophy 1b, and will return the abstracts and books in the latter course at the lecture of today.

GGRMAN 1a.- The class will hereafter meet in Sever 32.

