The fund which is being raised as a memorial to Mr. Bolles will be subject to the following regulations, which put it into definite form and make clear its aim and the method of its administration.
1. This fund shall be called the Frank Bolles Memorial Fund.
2. Its object shall be to perpetuate the name and influence of Mr. Bolles and to carry on that work in which he was most interested, the help of needy students. Such help shall be given to students of the University on the following conditions:
(a) Nine-tenths of the annual income shall be used, the remaining one-tenth to be added yearly to the principal.
(2) The disposition of the income shall be in the hands of the President of the University, to be administered by anyone whom he may appoint.
3. At the end of the college year, in June, 1894, the fund shall be handed over to the Corporation by the student treasurer.
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