The trial debate last night resulted in the choice of H. A. Bull '95, R. C. Ringwalt '95, and T. L. Ross L. S., of the Harvard Union, and F. Dobyns '98 alternate, as Harvard's representatives in the Harvard-Yale joint debate which is to be held January 18, in Sanders Theatre.
With the exception of S. E. Johnson '95, all the speakers took the affirmative of the question, "Resolved, That attempts of employers to ignore associations of employes and to deal with individual workmen only are prejudicial to the best interests of both."
Besides the successful candidates, the following men spoke: S. H. Foster L. S., F. W. Grinnell '95, N. P. Dodge L. S., W. M. Trotter '95, W. J. Peacock L. S., C. N. Lathrop '96, S. E. Johnson '95, C. N. Goodwin L. S., P. E. McKillip L. S., G. R. Jenkins L. S., H. E. Addison '96, H. F. Knight '96, S. P. Delaney '96, W. S. Youngman '95, R. C. Thomas '96, J. P. Warren '96, D. King '95, E. C. Roche L. S., F. von Briesen '95, J. P. Gately Sp., E. S. Page '95. F. R. Steward '96, C. E. Bryan '96.
The judges were: Professor A. B. Hart, Professor Williston, Mr. J. J. Hayes, Mr. E. L. Conant, and Mr. G. P. Baker.
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