The freshman musical clubs are now fairly under way and give promise of being up to the standard of previous freshman clubs. At present there are about forty men who have been taken on the Glee Club for further trial. This number of course will be reduced to about five men to a part as the season goes on. W. W. Hoyt has been elected temporary leader, but no other officers have as yet been elected.
The Banjo Club numbers nineteen men and is under the temporary leadership of R. B. Flershem, who is also playing with the 'varsity. As is the custom, the Banjo Club will probably have some professional instructor to coach the candidates. The material is decidedly above the average for a freshman club and with practice it will be an unusually good club.
The Mandolin Club has not yet elected its officers, but it is being rehearsed by R. G. Morse of the 'varsity. There is a lack of candidates for the club and any new men will be taken on for further trial.
It is not known how many concerts the club will be allowed to give, but an effort is being made to induce the faculty to grant them permission to give more than has been the custom in former years.
The faculty rule limits the clubs to three concerts, but as these hardly compensate for the work that is done, it is sincerely hoped that they may be permitted to give more this year.
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Co-operative Society Bulletin.