
Special Notice.

ANY student addressing Overman Wheel Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass, and sending ten cents in stamps to pay postage, will receive a Victor Pad Calendar for 1895. Its bright matter, apt quotations and the memorandum space on each leaf, make it a handy desk reference.

NEXT week will close the engagement of Roland Reed at the Boston Museum in his highly successful comedy, "The Politician." This play has made such a great hit that large houses greet the players at every performance. No one should lose the opportunity of seeing him as General Josiah Limber, the greatest success of his professional career. He shows up in the most ludicrous light the defects in our political system, so that politicians themselves are kept in a constant laughter. The satirical view in which the comedy is written and the clever manner in which the leading character is developed make the entertainment especially attractive. Miss Rush, as Cleopatra Sturgis, the Twentieth Century Woman, is undoubtedly a great success. Combining with beauty the talents of a truly delightful comedian, she draws to herself the absorbing interest of an admiring audience. She wears the mannish costumes most gracefully and is charming throughout.

ATTENTION STUDENTS. - The Mutual Benefit Company offer to mend, free of charge, any patent leather boots which are beginning to crack. By addressing P. O. Box 2, Cambridge, a person will call and get your boots, polish and return them free of charge. This polish may also be obtained of Thayer, McNeil & Hodgkins, Temple Place, Boston.

69 3BUY the Harvard Index for 1894-95. 50 cents, instead of 75 cents as heretofore.

18 SUMNER ST. - A few seats at general table, also separate room for club table. Families accommodated transiently, or for the rest of the year with rooms and board.


74 2tTwo club tables after Christmas, $7.00 per week, at Mrs. Carter's, 1200 Massachusetts Avenue, opposite Beck Hall. Formerly 894 Main Street.
