The Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs will start on their Christmas trip this evening, giving their first concert to-night in Association Hall, Worcester. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad have given the members of the clubs very pretty souvenirs of the trip, in the shape of printed itineraries which contain the names of the members and a detailed description of each day's travel, including the names of all the hotels and concert halls and the times of arrival and departure for each of the cities where concerts will be given. Very encouraging reports come from the different cities in the West as to the sale of seats and other preparations for the reception of the clubs.
The clubs will leave Worcester in a special sleeper arriving at New York early tomorrow morning. There they will be transferred to the station of the Central Railroad of New Jersey where they will take the nine o'clock train for Baltimore by the Royal Blue Line. The second concert will be given in Baltimore tomorrow night.
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