
Special Notice.

HARVARD men are delighted with the stock of suitings shown by Mr. D. Toy at 71 Beacon street, Boston. Those who wish exclusive styles will do well to call.

31 tfFIN DE SIECLE CLOTHES. - Special prices for students.


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125 Tremont St., Boston.18 SUMNER ST. - A few seats at general table, also separate room for club table. Families accommodated transiently, or for the rest of the year with rooms and board.


74 2tBUY the Harvard Index for 1894-95. It will appear tomorrow and be sold for 50 cents, instead of 75 cents as heretofore.

Two club tables after Christmas, $7.00 per week, at Mrs. Carter's, 1200 Massachusetts Avenue, opposite Beck Hall. Formerly 894 Main Street.

LOST. - Note-book containing notes in German Ten. Finder please return to Leavitt & Pierce's.

The daintiest of all modern comedies, "The Amazons," by Arthur Whig Pinero, will be the attraction at the Columbia, beginning Monday next. "The Amazons" has already been seen in Boston, and made an enormous success at the Hollis Street Theatre. The company that will present it at the Columbia will be under the direction of Mr. Charles Frohman and is headed by Miss Johnston Bennett, who will play the part of Lady Thomasine. Miss Elaine Eilson will be seen as Lady Wilhelmina, and Miss Maud Odell as Lady Noeline. These three young ladies are eminently fitted for the three roles and have met with the greatest commendation wherever they have appeared this season. Mr. George Alison will be seen as Viscount Litterly, Mr. Beaumont Smith as the Count De-Greville, and Mr. Lorrimer Stoddard as the Earl of Tweenways. It is unnecessary to sketch the plot of "The Amazons," but it is sufficient to say that the comedy is dainty and sparkling, and there is no reason why "The Amazons" should not make a decided hit on this, its second visit, as on its first.

BELCHER'S Dining Room, Lyceum Building, Harvard square. Board $7.00 per week.

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