We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.
To the Editors of the Crimson:
At the meeting of the freshman class Monday evening, just the wrong turn was given to the resolutions by the clause " - this complaint seems more severe than is deserved, nevertheless - ." A defense was made where an apology was needed. It is not for us to criticize the action of the public in being annoyed, - it is for us to apologize, not as if we were made to, but as if we did it voluntarily. Such an apology as ours is robbed of its grace and is hardly worth making.
NINETY-EIGHT.To the Editors of the Crimson:
There is a defect in one of the new college dormitories, namely, Perkins Hall, which it would necessitate some expense to rectify but which seems to me important enough to call for the comparatively small attendant cost. I refer to the arrangement of the sinks and toilet rooms. As matters now stand the only sinks are in the same rooms with the closets and separated by nothing more than a six foot partition; consequently during about half of everyday both students and goodies must use different sections of the same apartment, one for toilet or bathing purposes, the other for the care of the waste of the chambers, etc. The arrangement is extremely disagreeable for both parties; I can speak for the students from personal experience. That a new building for bachelor apartments should have been constructed at this day and in this place upon such a plan shows that even the best-intentioned people will blunder.
The remedy is this: Let the partitions be extended to the ceiling at the ends of the sinks and a similar partition of wall be built to close the present opening in front of the sinks. Then let a door be cut from the entry to the small room thus formed and the whole job is done. If desired, a change of the sinks to a position at right angles with that now occupied by them, thus facing the new door, would tend to greater convenience.
As I remember the plans, the original intention was to construct the building as I have suggested. If I am mistaken, then the dormitory was poorly designed; if I am correct, will some one who knows please explain why the change to the present situation was made?
L. S.
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