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To show that the present distributions of scholarships is bad is not of much use, unless some better way can be proposed. It seems to us that it would be, not an ideal system, but certainly an improvement over the present system, if scholarships were distributed as follows: Let men show that they need money, and how much money they need; let a standard rank be fixed, - for example, no mark to be less than B; let then the scholarships be distributed to all men who attain this rank and need money, in proportion to their needs.

Advantages would be gained. Some such moderate standard would ensure, on the one hand, that no one should be given a scholarship who did not have good brain power and, on the other hand, that no should be tempted to overwork this brain power. It would lessen the number of men who bring scholarly ability into disrepute, and increase the chances of this ability being appreciated and prized by college men. It would give money in rational proportions, and it would give all poor men a chance for college aid.
