

'96 CREW. - All men who rowed in the spring crew meet in 51 Claverly Hall at 7 o'clock, Monday, Dec. 17, to elect a captain.

HARVARD PERIPATETIC CLUB. - Smoker in Mr. W. I. Otis's room, 896 Main Street, Saturday, 15 December, at 7.30 p.m.

A. R. WENDELL, Sec.HARVARD UNION. - The regular monthly business meeting will be held in 26 Grays, on Monday, Dec. 17, at 7 p. m.

R. C. Ringwalt, Sec.ALL past and present members of the Cercle Francais are invited to the dress rehearsal at 8 o'clock this evening at Brattle Hall.

Rehearsal of ballet at 2.30 in D. U. rooms; whole cast at 3 in Brattle Hall.


PERCY F. EMORY, Sec.PIERIAN. - Full rehearsal at 2.30 in Sanders Theatre. Every man must be present.

C. L. SAFFORD, Leader.ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL CLUB. - The annual dinner of the club will be held at Young's Hotel, Monday, December 17, at 7.30 p. m., instead of Wednesday, Dec. 19. All members who wish to go must sign the blue-book at Leavitt & Peirce's before Saturday noon.

67 4tEDWARD EVERETT HALE speaks before the Harvard Religious Union Monday evening, Dec. 17, at 8 o'clock, in Sever 11. Subject: The National Religion of America. All students are invited to be present.

MEMBERS of the Natural History Society will bring their dues to the next meeting on the 20th, or mail previously to the treasurer,

ROBERT WALCOTT,11 Waterhouse Street.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION . Sailor Mission. Regular meeting in Holden Chapel on Saturday at 7 p. m. The names of the men who will go out on Sunday are posted on the bulletin in Holden Chapel. Any member of the University is cordially invited to go with us. We start every Sunday at 9 a. m., sharp, from Harvard Square.

