
Christmas Trip of the Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs.

The Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs will start on their annual Christmas trip the last of next week and will give concerts during the entire recess, returning in time for the members to register on Thursday, January 3. Concerts will be given in the following order: Friday, Dec. 21, Worcester; Saturday, Dec. 22, Baltimore; Monday, Dec. 24, Cincinnati; Tuesday, Dec. 25, Louisville; Wednesday, Dec. 26, Indianapolis; Thursday, Dec. 27, St. Louis; Saturday, Dec. 29, Kansas City; Monday, Dec. 31, Milwaukee; Tuesday, Jan. 1, Chicago.

The forty-five men whose names are given below have been selected to go on the trip, subject to the approval of the Faculty:

GLEE CLUB.First tenors. - D. C. Greene '95, S. P. White '95, N. C. Metcalf '96, A. M. Kales '96, E. M. Waterhouse '97.

Second tenors. - E. W. Ryerson M. S., C. S. French '95, W. D. Brookings '95, J. D. Greene '96, R. C. Thomas '96; W. Whitman, Jr., '97.


First Basses. - J. A. Wilder L. S., F. W. Thomas L. S., I. S. Adams '95, E. R. Knapp '95, H. E. Whitney '95, H. C. Taylor '97, J. A. Carpenter '97.

Second Basses. - E. B. Conant '95, A. H. Cornish '95, W. H. Reed '95, H. W. Howe '97, A. N. Greenough '98.

Leader. - F. B. Whittemore '96.

BANJO CLUB.Banjeaurines. - W. D. Brookings '95 (leader), J. T. Emott '95, J. B. Read '95, J. M. Little, Jr., '97, S. C. Kimberly '97, H. Turner '97.

Banjos. - M. Lincoln '96, A. H. Hildreth '96, M. E. Stone '97, R. B. Flershem '98.

Guitars. - B. P. Hood '95, H. R. Storrs '96, J. L. Bremer '96, G. H. Spalding '96, A. R. Sheriff '96.

MANDOLIN CLUB.Mandolins. - P. H. Lombard '95, R. L. Whitman '95, R. L. Scaife '97, F. E. Barry '97, D. E. Mitchell '97, A. P. Carter '97.

Guitars. - R. P. Hood '95 (leader), H. R. Storrs '96, J. L. Bremer '96, G. H. Spalding '96, A. R. Sheriff '96.

Viola. - F. L. Waldo '98.
