Professor Carpenter preached at Vesper Service in the Chapel yesterday afternoon from the text "Let us set aside the sin that doth so easily beset us and run with patience the race that is set before us," taken from Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews. He said: When Paul wrote that, he had before him a vision of the great games, and he speaks at first enthusiastically for there was no one who would not do his best to win or get a high place in the Olympic games. As Paul turns aside to the race of life there comes to his tone a touch of sadness. That is the race that can be won only by long and patient toil. All Paul can say is "let us run with patience." There are many who do not run at all, who walk, who creep, some even who sit down. All of us are sometimes discouraged and are tempted to throw up the race because it is so hard, or so monotonous. Let us remember that no great thing can be quickly accomplished and that perhaps the truest test of character is to work hard and well without a hope of reward or approval, and let us be patient and strong in running the race that is set before each of us.
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