ENGINEERING SOCIETY. - There will be a meeting of the electrical engineers, under the direction of the Electrical Section, at the house of Professor Hollis, 7 Lowell Street, this evening at 7.30. After the regular meeting of the Section opportunity will be afforded for social intercourse and a cordial invitation is extended to all students interested in electrical engineering to attend.
HARVARD FENCING CLUB. - Friday evening, December 14, will be the last opportunity for members to take lessons of Professor Rondelle until January 4.
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A. G. THACHER, Sec.PIERIAN. - Important rehearsal of the full orchestra this afternoon at 4.30 sharp, in Roberts Hall. Every man who expects to play in the concert must be present.
C. L. SAFFORD, Leader.HARVARD TOTAL ABSTINENCE LEAGUE. - The secretary will keep office hours until the recess at 19 Thayer, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 4.30 to 5.15 p. m. Members may get shingles and men who desire to join may do so at chose hours. The platform of the league is total abstinence from the use of intoxicants as a beverage during the college course, and all men willing to fulfil these conditions are urged to join.
J. H. LEWIS. Sec.
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