
Harvard Medical Alumni.

The Harvard Medical Alumni Association has just issued its first catalogue since its organization, three and one-half years ago. The association has a membership of 1114 graduates, of which number fifteen are honorary members. Boston furnishes 386 members, and the other cities and towns in the State have 387 more. In the outside States New York contributes 59 members, New Hampshire 37, Rhode Island 36, Maine 21, Connecticut 20, California 24, Illinois 14, Minnesota 9, Michigan 8, Colorado 7, Missouri and Vermont 6 each, District of Columbia and Pennsylvania 5 each, and almost every state is represented by a lesser number.

There are sixteen members in the Dominion of Canada, twelve of them residing in Nova Scotia.

The association has representatives also in Argentine Republic, Australia, Chile, Germany, Mexico, Newfoundland, Republic of Columbia and Turkey.

Fifty-eight deaths have occurred since June, 1891, among them Drs. Oliver Wendell Holmes, George C. Shattuck, David H. Storer and Henry I. Bowditch. - [Boston Transcript.
