

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal with Mr. Locke at 7 sharp. Men must have the words of all the songs learned before rehearsal.

H. C. TAYLOR, Sec.DEUTSCHER VEREIN. - The Deutscher Verein will hold an open meeting next Thursday evening in the D. U. rooms at eight o'clock. All members of German 2, 3 and over are cordially invited to be present. Professor Schilling will give a lecture on "Hans Sachs."

PIERIAN. - Important rehearsal of the full orchestra this afternoon at 4.30 sharp, in Roberts Hall. Every man who expects to play in the concert must be present.

C. L. SAFFORD, Leader.ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL CLUB. - The annual dinner of the club will be held at Young's Hotel. December 19, at 6.30 p. m. All members who wish to go will please sign the blue-book at Leavitt & Peirce's before Saturday, December 15.

67 3tHARVARD FENCING CLUB. - There will be a smoker in the club rooms on Wednesday evening, Dec. 12, at 8 o'clock. Friday evening, Dec. 14, will be the last opportunity for members to take lessons of Professor Rondelle until January 4.


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A. G. THACHER, Sec.CERCLE FRANCAIS. - Rehearsal of cast at 4.30 in Brattle Hall. Ballet, old men at 2.30, gypsies at 3.30, sailors at 4, in the society rooms.

PERCY F. EMORY, Sec.THERE will be a meeting of the St. Paul's Society Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 6.45, in Grays 17. An address on "The Prayer Book" will be given by Dean Hodges.

H. B. HUNTINGTON, Sec.THE SHAKESPEARE CLUB will meet on Wednesday evening, Dec. 12, in 11 Hollis Hall. "The Tempest" will be finished.


