
The Gallery in Memorial Closed.

After Vespers the Public will not be Admitted.

At a meeting of the board of directors of the Harvard Dining Association held last evening, it was decided that the gallery in Memorial Hall should be closed to visitors on the Thursday evenings on which Vesper Services are held in Appleton Chapel. The reasons for the decision are given in the communication which follows.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

In order to prevent any further disorder like that which occurred in Memorial Hall last Thursday after Vespers, the directors of the Harvard Dining Association have considered it advisable to exclude all visitors from the gallery on Thursday evenings. This provision is to remain in force until the board can come to the conclusion that it is no longer necessary.

The directors were reluctant to enforce such a regulation, because they are well aware that it will rob many of considerable enjoyment; but it should be remembered that this custom which allows visitors to attend during meal hours would ordinarily be decidedly improper, and never has been allowed in Memorial Hall except on suffrance. Yet, under these circumstances, the directors would not feel at liberty to break down an established custom if they were not convinced that other measures would fail to preserve the order that is necessary, and that a gentleman ought to feel called upon to maintain in a place of such a public nature. Last year threats by the directors and editorials in the college journals failed to produce the desired result. For these reasons it was deemed best to apply an absolutely sure remedy.

H. C. LAKIN,President H. D. A.

