
Special Notice.

HOLIDAY RATES. - Round trip tickets to all points west of Albany via B. & A., N. Y. Cent., Lake Shore & Mich. Southern, Mich. Cent., P. & L. E., C. C. C. & St. L. railroads at 1 1-2 regular single rates, can be obtained at 36 Thayer.

Hours 10-11 a. m., and 6-7.30 p. m.

Berths reserved.


65 3


A. M. MERRYWEATHER."THE GAIETY GIRL" came, saw and conquered at the Hollis last Monday. She coquetted with the audience, flirted her skirts, poised her dainty toes on a level with the big chandelier, received huge baskets of roses in which she buried her English nose, bowed and smiled her acknowledgments and retired, only to be recalled again and again. The atmosphere was English, the people were English and everything was appreciated to the highest degree. That familiar and distressing form of English humor which is indicated by a series of the coarsest puns was entirely lacking, and in its place was a crisp dialogue, full of good things, and as sparkling as champagne. Original music was admirably sung by excellent voices, while the comedians were actually and genuinely funny. The wealth of pretty girls, the gay dancing, the gorgeous costumes all go to make up a bubbling entertainment that serves to amuse everyone to the utmost extent.

EXCURSION tickets to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and other points, for the Christmas Holidays.


66 5t

4 Divinity Hall.PEABODY CLUB. - Rooms for club table, seats at general table; also suite of furnished rooms for rent.

66 6t

126 Mt. Auburn St.
