
Sophomore Crew.

The candidates for the ninety-seven crew began work yesterday afternoon. About twenty-five men responded to the call for candidates and were given light work with dumb-bells, after which they took a short run up North Avenue. Nearly all of the members of last year's freshman crew are at present rowing with the 'varsity squad, but as the new men have all had more or less experience in rowing, a good crew is practically assured. The men will begin work on the machines almost immediately.

The following are the candidates: W. Saunders, F. T. Lord, A. H. Ladd, T. B. Gannett, F. C. Weld, W. Hovey, M. Boal, E. S. Rantoul, H. D. Buell, B. T. Burley, A. P. Chittenden, J. A. Carpenter, T. F. Fitzgerald, E. D. Elder, J. F. Murphy, E. W. Capen, G. W. Newgass, G. Gleason, E. DuPont, W. E. Collins, W. E. Boutwell.
