The seventh annual meeting of the American Economic Association will be held at Columbia College, New York City, December 26-29 inclusive. Among those who will participate in the programme is Professor Ashley of Harvard.
Membership in the association affords unusual advantages for those interested in economic studies. The annual membership fee is three dollars and entitles one to all the publications of the Association as they appear.
The Association publishes six numbers each year, monographs on important questions of the day or on disputed questions of economic theory, by those who have made special studies in the field. A committee of five leading economists select the manuscripts to be published so that excellence is guaranteed. The Association thus affords to younger writers who have made special investigations in these lines the opportunity to test the quality of their work, and the best work is assured of a reading by practically all progressive economists of the United States and Europe, and furnishes to students interested in this field of study, economic literature of a high value. Professor J. W. Jenks is the secretary of the Association, and applications for membership should be addressed to him.
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