

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. - Men wishing shingles or seals may get them by applying to the secretary, 18 Holworthy.

THE regular monthly meeting of the Disciples' Club will be held in Wadsworth 1, Sunday, Dec. 2, at 3 p. m. Professor Shaler will address the club. All Disciples in the University are invited to be present.

SILAS JONES, Sec.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Sailor Mission. Regular meeting in Holden Chapel on Saturday at 7 p. m. The names of the men who will go out on Sunday are posted on the bulletin in Holden Chapel. Any member of the University is cordially invited to go with us. We start every Sunday at 9 a. m., sharp, from Harvard Square.

E. VON MACH.ALL Republicans in the University are urged to join the Harvard Republican Club. Men may become members by signing the constitution and paying the annual assessment of fifty cents. Old members are invited to pay their annual dues. Office hours of the secretary: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 1.30; Tuesday and Thursday, at 11.

C. E. BRYAN, Sec.,


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13 Wadsworth House.ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Tremont street. There will be a special service for men on Sunday next at 8 p. m. The Rev. Dr. Dix of New York will preach.
