HARVARD men are delighted with the stock of suitings shown by Mr. D. Toy at 71 Beacon street, Boston. Those who wish exclusive styles will do well to call.
31 tfALL students desiring board can make satisfactory arrangements at 94 Prescott street. Club tables $8.00, general tables $7.00.
35 6"LIBERTY HALL" AT THE HOLLIS.-The week of Monday, November 12, will be an event of importance and delight at Hollis Street Theatre. The Charles Frohman, Rich and Harris stock company has a record of unbroken success at New York, and will present one of their greatest pieces at the Hollis,-the comedy, "Liberty Hall," by R. C. Car-ton. This play has enjoyed a protracted run in England and was given for 105 nights in New York with immense success. It is a dainty love story charmingly told. A young English girl loses her father and discovers that her home has been inherited by a young male relative to whom she is a stranger. She leaves home and hides her poverty in obscurity. She is followed by the new owner of her home, who wins her without disclosing his identity. The heroine is enacted by Viola Allen, and the hero by Henry Miller. Other members of the organization are Mr. W. Faversham, Robert Edeson, W. H. Crompton, W. H. Thompson, Miss Isabel Irving and Miss May Robson,
Distance, Boston to Springfield:
Via Boston & Albany R. R.,99 miles.
Via Boston & Maine R. R., 121 miles.
Via New York & New England R. R.,132 miles.
The Boston & Albany is double track.
The Boston & Maine and New York & New England Routes are single track.
LOST.-Friday last near Brattle square, a gold hunting case watch, stem winder, Appleton, Tracy & Co. make, movement 66,334. Suitable reward for return to M.D. Bull, 15 Little's Block.
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